This boat ran ashore near our house last night while the captain was sleeping.

Check back in mid-May for pictures of our Tahiti cruise.
Click on I95 to see pictures from our Williamsburg trip, in March of 2000.

Click the sailboat to see our Bahamas sailing trip.

Sunrise on the beach.
For more pictures of where I live, click the date (of last update)
12 Jan. 00

Here's a picture I took of a famous race.
You might have read about it.
This was taken in the nature reserve behind my house.
The Gopher Tortoise is a threatened or endangered species. The rabbit is not endangered, but
I have threatened them a time or two.
To see more local nature pictures, click the date (of last update)
18 Apr., 00

Before and after shots of Shuttle Endeavour (STS-99) launch, Feb. 11, 2000. On the beach.
Click the date for more space stuff.
11 Feb, 00.
Signs and Headlines

Now when they kill them, they stay dead.
Look at the sign archive, last updated
25 April, 00

Pictures from our cruise to Greece and Turkey.
Last updated on 14 Aug. 99
More pictures from Athens, updated 17 Aug. 99
More pictures from the ship, updated 17 Aug. 99
More pictures from Istanbul, updated 17 Aug. 99

Kay and Maxxi taking a nap by the pool.
Click the doggy to see Maxxi's personal page.
Maxxi updated her page on April 24, 2000

Our grandchildren.
For more family pictures, click the date 12 Apr., 00
After you sign my guestbook, why don't you visit my daughter's page
Adams Family Values
Or, my other daughter's page
Cindi's Significant Site
Click the seashell to visit my other page,
The Stay Free Maxey Page.

Click the shell to email me:
Click the play triangle to hear the surf.