Welsh Terrier

Am I good looking, or what?
This is a picture of me. I'm six years old, and I've lived with this family since the spring of 1999.
There are two laps that live here with me.
When I was young, I was an AKC champion, and then had several litters of puppies
while I lived at the breeder's house. Then, I had my last litter in September of 1999.
You can see pictures of those two daughters on the next page.
I'm a very good student.
Here's Dad explaining some html details to me for my webpage.

Where did they hide the Escape key on this thing?
They tell me I can't use the laptop because I don't have a lap.

I'm going to lean away from this puppy.
This is my cousin Liath and me.

Enough with the camera, already.
Maggie and me.

I'm so cool.
I like to watch Lassie on TV, and most shows on Animal Planet.

Sssshhhh... Tiger is putting.
Oh yes... I like golf too. Tiger Woods is my favorite.

If he'd get a job, we could afford this boat.
"Mom, can we get a sailboat like this one?"

Sometimes I fall asleep, if I have already seen the show.
I love laps.
This is me resting on one of the laps.
Oh, baby.
Me, smiling.
I love to go fast. This thing seems to be rocking.
I love the water. The picture on the left is on a power boat, and a sailboat on the right.
I'm an experienced beachcomber. I especially like driftwood.
sniff I think I smell a crab.
Hmmmm... just barnacles here. I'd like to take this home and bury it.
That is pretty.
And I am NOT afraid of a Portuguese Man-O-War.
You'll never get me in there.
Here I am playing near our pool.
Winner gets a chewy.
When we race, I ALWAYS win.
Eeewwww... that tickles. If I'm good, I'll get a treat.
I hate it when I have to go the beauty shop.

I'm so embarrassed.
They made me wear funny pants right before I went to see my boyfriend.

Click this bone to see my friends and family (page 2).

Click this bone to see shocking photos of me (page 3).

Click this bone to visit my human's page, The Sunny Beach Page.

Here's my favorite link.

Click the play triangle to hear Maxxi.

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