Our cruise to the Bahamas
December, 1999.

Kay and I joined her brother Bill and his wife Evie for a trip to the Bahamas on
his sailboat Esprit. We left Melbourne Tuesday, Nov. 30 for Palm Beach via
the Intracoastal Waterway, then on across the ocean and Gulfstream to the Abacos.

All aboard.

Going down the Intracoastal Waterway.

Captain Bill

First Maid Evie

Crew Kay

More crew
We went from Melbourne to Ft. Pierce the first day, under sail the whole way.
Anchored overnight in Ft. Pierce. Next day, on to Palm Beach. It was cold, about
50 degrees. We docked at a marina overnight, planning to leave on Thursday for
Abaco. Four to seven foot seas prevented us from leaving until Saturday morning.
We did get to take a couple of showers at the marina, and eat a couple of meals
in restaurants. Also, I was able to buy a new digital camera to replace the one
that just "up and died" the day before. Saturday morning, we ventured out into
the "Devil's Triangle". The crossing was quite rough, but fun. We anchored Saturday
night at White Sand Ridge.

Kay driving, just outside the Palm Beach Inlet.

Sunday crossing the Bahama Bank, I caught this kingfish. It was two meals for the four of us.

A few minutes later, not to be outdone, Kay caught this amberjack.
If you aren't already bored enough, click the sailboat for more pictures

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