Nature and Wildlife



A Pink Flamingo, in the wild

A coconut palm tree I just planted.
Bookmark this page and check back in five or six years to see how it's doing.
That is a Sea Grape tree in the background.
Two pictures of Sand Hill Cranes.


A Roseate Spoonbill

A nice shot of seagulls in flight.

A pair of Snowbirdus Americanus.
These migrate between here and New York. The male is identified by the white bands
on the legs and the black feet, while the female sports the purple plumage on her head.

Spider web in the morning dew.

An osprey with his half-eaten fish.

Kay watching a storm come in from the north.

A very strange bird is the pelican,

Hurricanes Floyd and Irene (1999) really caused a lot of damage and beach erosion.

Here is Kay holding Maxxi beside a washed out dune crossover.

This shows how the surf and sand can remove the finish from wood.
A manatee at the boat dock.

Three shots of a FLORIDA SCRUB JAY.
The bird is an endangered species and is native to Florida.

A LOGGERHEAD turtle laying eggs in the dunes.

Kay and another lady looking at the eggs.

All finished... going back into the ocean.
Two BALD EAGLES at the local zoo.
The birds are injured and cannot be freed.
Notice the missing right wing on the eagle in front.

A great blue heron, waiting for me to catch him a fish.

A blackbird with an identity problem.
I like the logo of our local zoo. Click the logo to visit the zoo page.