Our cruise to the Bahamas
December, 1999.

We celebrated Kay's birthday on board. Note the makeshift candle on the loaf cake on the table.

Dinner in Rosie's restaurant on Grand Cay. We ate a lot of conch that week.

Bill plotting a course on the navigation computer.
Some beautiful sunsets.

Drying laundry.

One of the coolest lizards I've ever seen. He was on Walker's Cay.

It seems like every time we go out on a boat, the cops stop us.
Our EPIRB accidentally activated in Palm Beach, and the USCG came aboard to report the incident.

This is what the Coast Guard uses to chase drug runners... 800 horsepower.

The first picture taken with the new camera. Note that the new one cuts off the top
of the subject's head, just like the old one did. Must be a universal flaw in cameras.
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